Monday, 29 April 2013

Music video questionaire analysis

In this questionaire i asked 20 people to complete my questionaire and here i will be presenting an overall evaluation of the results.

1. What is your gender? (please circle)
Male Female
13 females and 7 males took part in the questionaire. This shows that females are more interested in the music industry and they music videoas that artist record for there songs.This make it a easier for me to find my target audience and who i should be targeting. My video should be aiming at mostly females as i have found from this question that the majoirity of them are female.
2. What is your age?
Most people who took part in my questionaire were all in their teenage years. This shows that most of audience that i should be appealing to with my music video should be aimed at teenagers, This means less explicit scenes and making sure that the music video is appropriate for the viewers
3. What sort of music genre do you listen to? (circle more than once is acceptable if your taste varies)
Hip-hop/rap Rock Pop RnB Dubstep 
17 out of 20 people said they prefer listening to hip-hop/Rap music. This shows that the generation has changed and that most people are listening to the hip-hop/Rap genre of music. This shows what type of music genera i should choose for my music video as i know who my target audience are and where i am going to recieve the most interest from.
4. What do you expect to see in a music video?
In this question most people said that they would like itto be a professional standard and make good use of editing. They said they would like to see good scenes and scenes that match the music, Good lip syncing and effects but they also said they would want too see a message on the music video that people can understand when they watch the music video.
5. What sort of scenery would be best for a rap music video?
Majority of people said that they would like to see alot of the streets and urban scenary in the background to make it a real rap music video and show what the genre is representing. This tellsme that in my music video i should take lot of shots in the urban and rural areas in the city to make sure that it looks like a real rap music video and that it is representing where rap started from and where it came from.
6. Should lip syncing be done throughout the whole music video?
More than three quaters of the people felt that too much lip sycning can get a bit boring and that their should be scenes where the music is playing with the lyrics ofcourse but without the artist lip sycing but more just hanging around showing the scenary and telling a story. This tells me that lip sycing will not have to be inserted throughout the music videoa and has given me ideas top put in the making of the music videos within the music video to make it more enjoyable and show a journey of how we created it.
7. Do you expect to see video effects in the music video?
Everyone i asked answered very similarly as they all said that greenscreen would be a very good effect to use in a music video as most music videoa do include it in their music video, they also said that we should have colour effects to such as making it black and white in some scenes or other colours and motions. this tells methat editing will be a long process but iut has to be done and included and to produce to a near professional standard.
8. What makes a good music video?
Most people said that they would like to see alot of things in a music video, Effetcs, scenary, the artists, Good camera quality and also emotions. This tells me that the music video has to be pwoerful and show people what we are representing and what sort of convention we are trying to challange. I have ideas of putting humour but also deep and sad moving secnes.
9. Do you expect to see titles in the music videos e.g artist name, label name, album name?
'Yes' 'make sure you credit everyone who took part' 'include album name' This is a few responses i recieve from the people who took part in my questionaire. This tells me that i must include the names of people who took oart and helped with the production.
10. How often do you watch Rap music videos?
20 out of 20 people said that they watch alot of rap music video but i think that is because the main music industry is dominated by the rap music and has taken over peoples hearts. This tells me that i am aiming at the right audience and by picking the rap music genre for my music video is the right choice and i will recieve a good number of interest from the audience.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Primary Research for Magazine Advertisement

Music magazine advertisement cover Questionnaire Primary Research
1. What is your gender? (please circle)
Male Female
2. What is your age?
3. What colours do you expect to see in a music magazine cover?

4. What sort of pictures do you expect on a magazine advertisement?
5. What sort of location would be best to take a background picture?
6. i am planning to make my background on a more rural area is that suitable for my magazine advertisement?
Yes No

7. Do you expect to see picture effects In the magazine advertisement to make it more appealing?
Yes No
8. Should the magazine advertisement have similar design and appeal to my CD cover ?
Yes No
9. I was planning on putting the artist(myself) on the magazine advertisement is that a good idea?
Yes No

10.What attracts you to the magazine advertisement?

Primary research for CD cover

CD cover Questionnaire Primary Research
1. What is your gender? (please circle)
Male Female
2. What is your age?
3. What colours do you expect to see in a rap CD cover?
4. What sort of pictures do you expect on a CD cover?
5. What sort of location would be best to take a background picture?
6. i am planning to make my background on a more rural area is that suitable for my CD cover?
Yes  No

7. Do you expect to see picture effects In the CD cover to make it more appealing?
Yes No
8. Should i put a song list in the back of my CD cover?
Yes No
9. I was planning on putting the artist(myself) on the cover is that a good idea?
Yes No

10.What attracts you to the album?
The artist   Album name    Colour scheme   The image    All of the previous